About Us
Systemeye Technologies Limited, a reliable & quick-response source of various technology products & services. To serve wide range of tech hardware and world-class tech support, Systemeye started its journey in 2012 registered with the Registrar of the Joint Stock Companies and Firms of Bangladesh under the Companies Act 1994. Focusing on corporate client’s requirements, we have drawn our product line and support type.
Our Mission, Vision & Solution
Our Vision is to be trusted provider of IT products & Service to Corporate Business Arena in Bangladesh in touch with the latest technology.
Our mission is to provide expert, quality, professional and affordable services to clients to achieve their business goal and objectives.
Our Solution includes CCTV, Attendance System, Digital Signage & Video Wall, Gaurd Tour Management, IP Telephone Solution, Fire Detection System, Video & Audio Conference System, Online UPS solution, License Software of any renowned brands. We have a clear focus on high quality, on time delivery and cost-effective technology services.
Systemeye Exchange:
SystemEye Technologies Limited is giving brand new laptop, Desktop PC in exchange of any old working or nonworking laptop or desktop. Anyone can get brand new laptop or desktop with any configuration by submitting the old functional or non-functional one and some money. It’s very popular & attractive campaign since March 2016.